132Kv Cabling & Ducting
4280m of 4 way ducting in field locations on the outskirts of Wrexham and 2520m of 6 way ducting in highway locations including 3 trunk road crossings. The highway works commenced at the existing sub-station in Pentrebychan village along numerous country lanes with minimal passing places and heavily restricted working widths.
Excavate material and displaced material was processed for incorporation into the permanent reinstatement works, this included the processing of bituminous surfacing material as re-engineered /blended Type 1 under the WRAP Protocol.
A team of DXI operatives went ahead of the excavation gangs and ensured easement fencing and animal / pedestrian crossing points were established.
The works was undertaken on a 7 day cycle with weekend working at a pace similar to normal day working.
Four rivers were diverted by DXI in advance of the excavation gangs and there were many service crossings, some charted and some unrecorded.
The Project Manager from IEC commented ; “that without the professional dedication and tenacity of DXI on this project, McNicholas Construction Services would never have completed the works”.
Iberdrola & McNicholas Construction Services Limited
Matt Gibson ; Iberdrola (IEC)
Installation of 6800m of ducting across fields and in public highway including jointing pits